Women and pregnancy:

A.P.: a recent poll in 2017: showed that as many as 7% of pregnant mothers were using marijuana.

CNN: serious maternal complications linked with marijuana use before and during early pregnancy.

DenverHealth.org: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend women refrain from marijuana use during pregnancy.

DFAF.org (Drug-Free America Foundation): protecting fatherhood: uncovering the risks of marijuana for dads and soon-to-be-dads.

HHS: a high proportion of pregnant mothers are using marijuana during pregnancy and not telling their obstetricians about it.

NIH: “It’s not your mother’s marijuana: effects on maternal-fetal health and the developing child.

Pain Journal: women are more susceptible to medical cannabis related adverse effects.

Preventative Medicine: this study (2018) reports on the epidemiological, developmental and clinical overview of cannabis use during pregnancy.

SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration): health effects of marijuana in pregnancy.

ScienceDirect.com: study (2022) on prenatal exposure to THC can have effects on the hippocampus of the offspring.

U.S. Surgeon General’s advisory: emphasize the health risks with marijuana use during pregnancy. See the video here.

WebMD: cannabis use during pregnancy may harm the baby’s brain.

WBNS 10 News-Columbus, OH: (video 11/2024) “Doctors say marijuana use is dangerous to expecting mothers and their babies.”

Univ. of Maryland School of Medicine: new study (Nov. 2024) shows that exposure to marijuana during pregnancy may increase risk of addiction to opioids later in life.

U.S. Surgeon General’s advisory: emphasize the health risks with marijuana use during pregnancy. See the video here.