The Church Initiative:

We truly believe that this issue must be dealt with by the multiple churches and addiction centers in our state. If the leaders of the Church in South Carolina do not stand against this madness now we may not be able to save the next generation from this diabolical legislation. It is time for the Pastors to be true shepherds and guard their congregations from this deceptive lifestyle of death and addiction.

Let us please stop using the excuse “well the world is going to do whatever it wants.” We as believers have the authority and responsibility to judge these things properly and stand for what is right. We don’t have to let our state government become the biggest drug dealer around. Please take James 4:17 to heart here: if we “know to do what is right but don’t, it is sin.” We know better than to allow marijuana to be legalized and re-defined as a “compassionate medicine.”

Please pray and show up to the event made possible by the Palmetto Womens Republican group and First North Baptist in Spartanburg on Thursday, Jan. 23rd, 2025 at 6:45pm. See events for more details.

Please also pray with us for this word to stick in the

consciences of the pro-marijuana legislators:

Matthew 18:

“If any one of you causes just one of these little one who believe in me to stumble, it is better for him to have a large millstone tied around his neck and be thrown into the depths of the sea.”

God is very serious about us protecting those that cannot yet protect themselves. This legislation would be devastating to not only the individuals it enslaves into the lifestyle of marijuana-THC addiction and numbness to reality, but also the families of those individuals to. Every life matters.

Charles G. Finney:

“Brethren, our preaching will bear its legitimate fruits. If immorality prevails in the land, the fault is ours in a great degree. If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discrimination, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the Church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in religion, the pulpit is responsible for it. If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it. Let us not ignore this fact, my dear brethren; but let us lay it to heart, and be thoroughly awake to our responsibility in respect to the morals of this nation.”

As recorded in his Memoirs, Charles Finney wrote: "The time has come for Christians to vote for honest men, and take consistent ground in politics or the Lord will curse them .... Politics are a part of a religion in such a country as this, and Christians must do their duty to their country as a part of their duty to God ... God will bless or curse this nation according to the course Christians take in politics."