What can I do to help?
Contact your state senator by a phone call or email them.
We’ve listed all of their contact information below.
If you don’t know who your senator is use this link to find out:
Recognize that the Republicans hold super-majority control of both chambers in the general assembly in Columbia. Yet a handful of these “Republicans” are the ones who are pushing this in our state. There’s no telling exactly why they are pushing this but they are not backing down. Maybe they’ve been promised a position on a board? Or stock options with the main marijuana companies? We just don’t know.
When asked, the just give the same excuses: “it’s for the veterans to keep them from suicide due to PTSD and depression” or “it’s for protecting our civil liberties” or “it’s to keep people from becoming addicted to opioids and narcotics.” However, all of the data and research which we’ve compiled in this website proves that not one of these excuses holds true to reality. And if they really want to protect our civil liberties and give us the freedom to use marijuana, then just legalize it as a recreational drug, but not aa a “medicine” which is completely dishonest and unethical.
So, here’s the expose on who they are. You need to know who they are because most of their constituents have no idea they are quietly pushing this agenda. They have no earthly idea the men and women they voted for (all of whom present themselves as “warriors for life, liberty and God”) are pushing this in the background.
Here’s what we’re asking you do: if your state senator voted “yea” or yes to legalize marijuana as a medicine in 2024, click on their last name in the list below, then email and / or call them and leave a message letting them know that you want to Keep our beautiful state free of legalized marijuana.
And if your state senator was one to vote “no” to legalize marijuana in 2024, then send him / her an email or call letting them know you appreciate their stance and that they need to continue to vote against this legalization effort coming in the next week or so. That’s all. And please pray for a miracle that this legislation will not even make it to the state senate floor. If you don’t know who your SC state Senator or House Representative is, find them here. Please be in prayer that this legislation will not be successful. May truth prevail to Keep our beautiful state clean, healthy and law-abiding.
Those who previously voted for the “SC Compassionate Care Act” in the state Senate (Feb. 14, 2024):
(Note: the bill did not come out of the House committee for a vote in 2024 so only Senate votes are shown here).
Karl B. Allen (D-Greenville)
Richard J. Cash (R-Anderson) he is also on the senate Medical Affairs committee
Wes Climer (R-York)
Tom Davis (R-Beaufort) the “architect” of the bill and he is also on the Medical Affairs committee
Tameika Isaac Devine (D-Richland, Columbia)
Mike Fanning (D-Fairfield) replaced by newly elected Sen. Everett Stubbs
Stephen L. Goldfinch (R-Georgetown)
Lawrence K. Grooms (R-Berkeley)
Penry Gustafson (R-Kershaw) replaced by newly elected Sen. Allen Blackmon
Richard A. Harpootlian (D-Lexington & Richland) replaced by newly elected Ed Sutton
Brad Hutto (D-Orangeburg) he is also on the Medical Affairs committee
Darrell Jackson (D-Richland, Columbia)
Michael Johnson (R-York)
Josh Kimbrell (R-Spartanburg) he amended the bill in previous session to create “therapeutic cannabis pharmacies” and has always voted to legalize marijuana as a “medicine.” He is also on the Medical Affairs committee
Gerald Malloy (D-Darlington) replaced by newly elected Sen. J.D. Chaplin
Mia S. McLeod (I-Richland) replaced by newly elected Sen. Overture Walker
Luke A. Rankin (R-Horry)
Ronnie A. Sabb (D-Williamsburg) he is also on the Medical Affairs committee
Katrina F. Shealy (R-Lexington) replaced by newly elected Sen. Carlisle Kennedy
Vernon Stephens (D-Orangeburg) replaced by newly elected Sen. Tom Fernandez who is also on the Medical Affairs committee
Scott Talley (R-Spartanburg) replaced by newly elected Sen. Roger Nutt
Deon T. Tedder (D-Charleston) he is also on the Medical Affairs committee
Ross Turner (R-Greenville)
Daniel B. Verdin III (R-Laurens) he has voted for legalization since 2015 and is chairman of the Senate Medical Affairs committee
NAYS - 19 (voted against legalization of marijuana as a medicine, our heroes):
Brian Adams (R-Berkeley)
Thomas C. Alexander (R-Oconee)
Sean M. Bennett (R-Dorchester)
George E. Campsen (R-Charleston)
Thomas D. Corbin III (R-Greenville)
Ronnie W. Cromer (R-Newberry)
Michael W. Gambrell (R-Anderson)
Billy Garrett (R-Greenwood)
Greg Hembree (R-Horry)
Kevin L. Johnson (D-Clarendon) replaced by newly elected Sen. Jeff Zell who is also on the Medical Affairs committee
Dwight A. Loftis (R-Greenville) replaced by newly elected Sen. Jason Elliott
Shane A. Massey (R-Edgefield)
Harvey S. Peeler (R-Cherokee)
Mike Reichenbach (R-Florence)
Rex Rice (R-Pickens)
Sandy Senn (R-Charleston) replaced by newly elected Sen. Matthew Leber who is also on the Medical Affairs committee
Nikki G. Setzler (D-Lexington) replaced by newly elected Sen. Russell Ott
Tom Young, Jr. (R-Aiken)
Shane R. Martin (R-Spartanburg) always voted yes to legalize marijuana in past votes and is also on the senate Medical Affairs committee
Margie Bright Matthews (D-Colleton) she is also on the Medical Affairs committee
Thomas J. McElveen (D-Sumter) replaced by newly elected Sen. Jeffrey Graham
The time is NOW to hold these senators accountable.
The Medical Affairs senate committee will begin deliberation on S-53 legislation this coming week:
The pro-marijuana legalization group led by Tom Davis (R-Beaufort) are going all out to legalize marijuana (cannabis) as a “medicine” through the state senate as quick as possible. If you listen to Sen. Davis talk about “cannabis as a medicine” he sounds like a pseudo physician using terms like “the endocannabinoid system” and “the different strains of indica vs. sativa” and the effects of “turpenes.” Each of these has absolutely no effect on the human body other than doing what THC does: get a person stoned.
In the Spartanburg area there are two main proponents of legalization of marijuana as a “medicine”: Sen. Shane Martin and Sen. Josh Kimbrell. In Greenville, the two main proponents are: Sen. Karl Allen and Sen. Ross Turner. In Laurens the main proponent is: Sen. Daniel Verdin and he is the chairman for the Medical Affairs committee also. In the Myrtle Beach / Horry county area the main proponent is: Sen. Luke Rankin.
No one believes they are trying to push this quietly in the background so we’re going to make this known to all of their constituents. We talk to people all the time and they say “no there’s no way our senator [representative] is for this.” The ultimate outcome of their legalization effort would be to achieve the marijuana industry’s goal to normalize the production and use of this substance in every state in the nation. It’s about money and power, not health and wellbeing.
There may be some good news in our nation: according to a recent Gallup poll, marijuana use is considered less favorable in our society than it was two years ago. Our hope is that by providing this information herein that it will change the deceptive narrative which the marijuana industry is pushing. We need all hands on deck in this battle against legalization.
Medical Affairs Committee: they will deliberate on this bill and vote to either pass it through to the full senate or not, probably within the next week or so (second to third week of Jan. 2025. Last session Sen. Verdin the Chairman had it passed through committee with only a voice-vote and no public comment or deliberation).
Verdin, Daniel B. "Danny", III, Chairman (always voted to legalize marijuana-THC as a “medicine” in past votes)
Hutto, Brad (always voted to legalize marijuana-THC as a “medicine” in past votes)
Martin, Shane R. (always voted to legalize marijuana-THC as a “medicine” in past votes)
Davis, Tom (the architect of the marijuana legislation since 2015)
Matthews, Margie Bright (always voted to legalize marijuana-THC as a “medicine” in past votes)
Cash, Richard J. (always voted to legalize marijuana-THC as a “medicine” in past votes)
Sabb, Ronnie A. (always voted to legalize marijuana-THC as a “medicine” in past votes)
Tedder, Deon T. (always voted to legalize marijuana-THC as a “medicine” in past votes)
Kimbrell, Josh (always voted to legalize marijuana-THC as a “medicine” in past votes)
Fernandez, Tom (new freshman senator; not sure how he will vote in committee)
Leber, Matthew W. "Matt" (new freshman senator; from all accounts he is pro-legalization and friend of Jill Swing)
Zell, Jeff (new freshman senator; not sure how he will vote in committee)
Who is standing against this legislation?
Sheriff’s and sheriff’s associations: every single sheriff’s association in S.C. is against this bill.
SLED: South Carolina Law Enforcement Division has always been against this legislation in any form
Hospital associations: most of the hospitals recognize the danger of legalization marijuana-THC
S. C. Dept. of Public Health (DPH): they have not made any statements regarding the fact that they will become the overseers of this legislation
Pharmaceutical associations: the SC Pharmaceutical Association is not for this bill
Nurses associations: (except the SC Nurses Association—see below)
State and County GOP officials: most of them do not agree with this legislation and it states this in the S.C. Republican Party Platform on p. 7
Who are the other organizations and people trying to push for the Compassionate Care Act (S. 53)?
SC Compassionate Care Alliance (SCCompassion.com) This group led by Jill Swing has been advocating for the legalization of marijuana along with Sen. Tom Davis (R-Beaufort) for over ten years now. She frequently shows up to speaking events with her daughter who is reported to have a form of epilepsy and she uses this as a way to get others to show favor towards legalization. She often says that the CBD oil for her daughter does not work as well as a “full spectrum” cannabis would. This means nothing less than simply full blown marijuana for her daughter. Not sure how this is advocacy for child safety, huh?
Wine and Spirits Beverage Distributors: as noted in other links herein on this website, multiple companies including breweries and wineries are now jumping onto the THC infused drinks train. These distributors give large amounts of cash to the legislators in Columbia and you can bet they make known their wishes to see marijuana become not just legalized but fully normalized. It’s in their best interest…their bottom line.
Hemp farmers: South Carolina has many of them and they are not making enough money just producing hemp and it’s semi-lucrative derivative CBD oil, used in oils, tinctures, creams and edibles. No they want SC to go all out for marijuana because that’s where the $$$ is at.
SC Nurses Association: their Ex. Director TK speaks at pro-legalization events around the state.
S.C. House Representatives: look at the names on the recent House bill “SC Compassionate Care Act” (S-423) and you will see those who are pushing this. The list includes Bill Herbkersman, Gil Gatch, etc.