Resources for parents:

CBN News: (videos) today’s super-strong marijuana is causing mental health problems and addictions.

Daily Citizen: “Parents, it’s time to tackle the marijuana myths.”

JAMA Pediatric: Oct. 2024 meta-analyses study showing that cannabis use during adolescence and young adulthood has: 39% higher likelihood of earning lower school grades and

  • 50% reduced likelihood of earning a high school diploma 

  • 28% lower likelihood of attending college or university 

  • 31% lower likelihood of earning a college degree

  • More than twice the likelihood of dropping out of high school

  • More than twice the likelihood of school absenteeism

Smart Approaches to Marijuana (S.A.M): excellent resources for every topic regarding marijuana and families, etc.

Parent Action Network (P.A.N.): part of the S.A.M. organization specifically focused on equipping parents and families.

Parents Opposed to Pot ( excellent timely news articles on the hype of marijuana.

Science News: the teen brain is susceptible to harms of THC.