Cardiac, cancers, hyperemesis and neurological:

Addiction Biology: new study shows the clear link between cannabis use and various cancers.

American Heart Association: frequent marijuana use linked to increase in heart attack and stroke.

Axios: medical dangers escalate after 10 years of legalization in Colorado.

Cardiovascular Business: Yes, physicians warn that marijuana is bad for the heart. “medical” marijuana can have a wide range of health effects on the body and the brain.

Cincinnati News 12: secondhand marijuana smoke can have detrimental effects such as getting others stoned.

CNN: new study finds that daily marijuana use significantly increases risks of head and neck cancers.

(Note: in the above link, we observed the media’s spin on this, our local news changed the wording from “Using marijuana daily for years may raise the overall risk of head and neck cancers by 3.5% to 5%, according to a new study ….” The original study reports the risk is “three to five-fold” which means 3x to 5x as much. We reached out to WYFF4 management and digital / web teams on 8/13/24 to see how they respond to this glaring error, which could be considered libel. We have also reached out to CNN and JAMA (original publisher of the study) for their response).

Daily Mail: woman, 22, dies from cannabis-induced vomiting triggering heart disorder.

Fox News: increased risk of heart attack and stroke with daily marijuana use.

The Guardian: marijuana is no cure for cancer.

KFGO News: health experts in Minnesota concerned about teen use of Delta-8 THC.

JAHA (Journal of American Heart Association): cannabis use is associated with myocardial infarction and stroke.

JAMA: Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS): recurring episodes of nausea and severe vomiting associated with frequent and long-term use of marijuana.

JAMA: new study (02/25) shows almost 3-fold increase in risk of early death within five years of having cannabis-use disorder (CUD). See also: UPIMarijuana addiction increases risk of premature death.”

KUOW Washington: Weed-sick: how high-potency cannabis leads to multiple ER visits and even death, especially for CHS (cannabis hyperemesis syndrome).

MedicalXpress: brain imaging study shows how THC disrupts brain activity and may cause cognitive disorder.

Medscape: daily cannabis use linked to asthma and COPD. Marijuana Issue Brief: showing the medical harms of marijuana.

S.A.M.: Missouri marijuana poison control calls for children under 5 skyrocket 2300% in 6 years. (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration): know the negative effects and risks of marijuana use.

Wall Street Journal: legal marijuana contains dangerous mold; states approve it anyway.

Economic effects:

The proposed legislation in South Carolina (“S.C. Compassionate Care Act”) does not involve taxation at this time. However it does seek to significantly expand the bureaucratic power and size of DHEC as regulatory oversight of the medical marijuana process. What this means is that it would involve countless billions of dollars invested in the Department of Health and Environmental Concerns. The real cost though is the lives that re-defining marijuana as a “medicine” would destroy.

Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University: 2018 study Economic and Social Costs of Legalizing Marijuana” showing that for every dollar in tax revenue Colorado collected from the sale of marijuana, it had to spend 4x that amount to mitigate the negative effects of marijuana in the state.

CBC (Canadian Broadcasting): Alberta to build two involuntary addiction centres at a cost of $180 million for 150-bed facilities.